RCPol training course: Pollen, Palinoecology and Data Organization – March 27th to 31st in Belém, PA

RCPol training course: Pollen, Palinoecology and Data Organization – March 27th to 31st in Belém, PA

The course is divided into two modules:

Module I – Methods for studies on Palinoecology and interaction with pollinators (filled vacancies; March 27th , 28th and 29th):

  • Method of area study: floristic composition; attractive floral morphology features for pollinators; vertical stratification; phenology and spatiotemporal distribution of floral resources.
  • Methods for preparation of exsicates (Herbarium).
  • Method for preparation of pollen material (Acetolysis, preparation of plates)
  • Methods for the organization of the Pollen Collection
  • Methods for analysis of the trophic niche and plant-pollinator interaction

Venue: Embrapa Eastern Amazon – Botany Laboratory
Trav. Dr. Enéas Pinheiro s / n. CEP 66.095-100. Belém, PA

Technical visit at ITV (March 29th)

  • Institutional Presentation (Vera Fonseca): 09:00 – 09:30 hrs
  • Presentation of the palynological work done at ITV: 09:30 – 10:00 hrs
  • Visit to the facilities, laboratories and reference collection of Carajás: 10:00 – 10:30 hrs

Module II – Data organization methods for insertion in RCPol database (filled vacancies: March 30th and 31st):

  • What is RCPol
  • What types of data are required for insertion in RCPol database
  • Data organization in Excel spreadsheets Data
  • Completeness of data and data quality.
  • Interactive Keys System Functionalities for Species Identification.
  • What to do to become a collaborator of RCPol

Venue: Embrapa Amazônia Oriental – Ferradura Auditorium – General Management Building
Trav. Dr. Enéas Pinheiro s / n. CEP 66.095-100. Belém, PA

The vacancies will be filled in order of registration. Excess registrations will be queued and in case of withdrawal, we will contact you to confirm your interest in the vacancy.

Apoio: USP, Instituto de Biociências, Escola Politécnica da USP, NAP Biocomp, Instituto Tecnológico da Vale, Embrapa, BeeCare Bayer, Bayer