RCPol training course: Pollen, Palinoecology and Data Organization – October 2nd to 6th in Araras-SP

RCPol training course: Pollen, Palinoecology and Data Organization – October 2nd to 6th in Araras-SP

The course is divided into two modules:

Module I – Methods for studies on Palinoecology and interaction with pollinators (20 vacancies; 2nd, 3rd and 4th of October):

  • Method of area study: floristic composition; attractive floral morphology features for pollinators; vertical stratification; phenology and spatiotemporal distribution of floral resources
  • Methods for preparation of exsicates (Herbarium)
  • Method for preparation of pollinic material (Acetolysis, preparation of plates)
  • Methods for the organization of the Pollen Collection
  • Methods for analysis of the trophic niche and plant-pollinator interaction

Venue: Universidade Federal de São Carlos – UFSCar – Campus Araras
Rodovia Anhanguera, Km 174 – Zona Rural, Araras – SP, 13604-900

Bee Day – Pollinating a better world (October 4th)

  • High yield beekeeping
  • Meliponiculture as an economic activity
  • Apiculture pasture and bee health
  • Participative mapping of bees

Module II – Methods for data organization to insert in RCPol database (30 vacancies, 5th and 6th of October):

  • What is RCPol
  • What types of data are required for insertion in RCPol database
  • Data organization in Excel spreadsheets
  • Completeness of data and data quality
  • Interactive Keys System functionalities for Species Identification
  • What to do to be a collaborator of RCPol

Venue: Universidade Federal de São Carlos – UFSCar – Campus Araras
Rodovia Anhanguera, Km 174 – Zona Rural, Araras – SP, 13604-900

Registration until September 22nd and can be closed before due to the filling of vacancies, vacancies will be filled by order of inscription. Excess registrations will be queued and in case of withdrawal, we will contact you to confirm your interest in the vacancy.