Duration: 2015 - 2017
Funded by: FAPESB - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado da Bahia
Coordination: Jaílson Santos de Novais
Analysis of pollen grains present in honey (Melissopalynology) helps to determine which plants are mainly visited by bees to collect nectar and to certify the geographical origin of the product, since certain pollen types have botanical affinity to plant species that function as regional markers. The state of Bahia presents a high honey production, considering the national scenario, although the knowledge about its apicultural and meliponicultural flora is still incomplete and unequal. Thus, this project aims to determine the pollen spectrums of honey coming from the Southern Bahia mesoregion and, with this, to indicate the botanical origin of this product, as well as to point out possible pollinic types that act as regional geographic markers. With this, it is hoped to subsidize actions that depend on the knowledge of the flora available to the bees to expand the mesoregional beekeeping and meliponicultural activity, consequently, to increase the production of honey and income generation in the South of Bahia. It is also hoped that the results will stimulate efforts from different technical and scientific sectors towards the botanical and geographic certification of South Bahia honeys, which will certainly be a differential in the export market of the product, especially to access highly demanding external markets in quality standards.
Cristiana Barros Nascimento Costa
Francisco de Assis Ribeiro dos Santos