Analysis of climate change and anthropic disturbances in the Caatinga vegetation

Duration: 2015 - 2017

Funded by: FUNCAP/CNPq

Coordination: Francisca Soares de Araújo Link para Currículo Lattes

Since the Portuguese colonization, natural northeastern semiarid vegetation has been influenced by human actions. Knowing that Caatinga is formed by a large diversity of plant species adapted to the present climate, climate change can affect its biodiversity. In the cearence? semiarid manmade fires are relatively frequent for agropastoral ends. However, the effects of fire use in this environment since the last centuries or millennia remains unknown, as well as whether previous fires could be of natural origin or not. Consequently, the Brazilian semiarid region is quite degraded and the prognosis for a drier climate in the near future supposedly accelerate the desertification process in the region. The main objective of this project is to reconstruct the vegetation dynamics in both regions susceptible to desertification processes for the last millennia in order to detect the impacts of future climate change and human activities on the ecosystems of the Caatinga and its possible influence on the process of desertification in the state of Ceará.


Vivian Luciana Jeske-Pieruschka Link para Currículo Lattes

Marie-Pierre Ledru Link para Currículo Lattes

Mayrluce Rodrigues Coutinho Link para Currículo Lattes


Universidade Federal do Ceará
Université Montpellier II
Institute of Evolutionary Sciences, France