RCPol training course: Pollen, Palinoecology and Data Organization – March 27th to 31st in Belém, PA

RCPol training course: Pollen, Palinoecology and Data Organization – March 27th to 31st in Belém, PA

The course is divided into two modules:
Module I – Methods for studies on Palinoecology and interaction with pollinators (10 vacancies; March 27th , 28th and 29th):
Module II – Data organization methods for insertion in RCPol database (30 vacancies: March 30th and 31st):

Venue: Embrapa Amazônia Oriental – Ferradura Auditorium – General Management Building
Trav. Dr. Enéas Pinheiro s / n. CEP 66.095-100. Belém, PA

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1st Edition of USP Week of Science and Technology

Between October 18th and 22nd, the University of São Paulo holds the USP Science and Technology Week. The event, coordinated by the University Pro-Rector’s of Culture, Extension and Research of USP, is part of the National Week of Science and Technology, whose purpose is to bring the subjects closer to the population. The program offers more than 70 free activities in the capital, and takes place at the USP International Diffusion Center, as well as other units at the Butantã campus and at the USP Science and Technology Park in Água Funda. In Santos, the Engenho dos Erasmos National Monument also offers activities.

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Workshop: Pollen-based reconstructions of past land-cover change in Latin America

29-30-31 October 2016 Salvador de Bahia, Brazil
Registration deadline: until free places are filled

The workshop consist of lectures and practical classes during which we will introduce the techniques necessary for quantitative land cover reconstruction. Approaches for land cover reconstruction have been developed over the last decades in Europe and North America. The interaction with members of the local community is fundamental for searching together for solutions to overcome obstacles in applying these approaches to South American ecosystems. We hope this workshop can provide the stimulus to start new investigations in Latin America attempting quantitative land-cover reconstructions. Additionally, we aim at launching new synoptic studies in connection with the Latin American Pollen Database. This important data repository and research tool is currently mainly populated with data from researchers based in North America and Europe and here we aim at initiating collaborative research that is using the database and leads to the upload of new datasets.

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XI EMBOC – Encontro de Botânicos do Centro-Oeste, 03-06 Ago 2016

In the Midwestern Brazil there are several biomes like Pantanal, Chaco, Cerrado and Amazônia and there are several projects tied to those biomes collecting plants and depositing them in herbariums. We hope that EMBOC offers botanists an opportunity to share and discuss experiences about those biomes.

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XIV International Palynological Congress – X International Organisation of Palaeobotany Conference, 23-28 Oct 2016

Every four years the world communities of palaeobotanists and palynologists are gathered to discuss the latest advances in their researches, and exchange technical and scientific innovations. In previous occasions, these two scientific groups have come together simultaneously in one gathering in order to amplify the impact and results of the congress. Hence, the meeting of these two communities will take place in Salvador, capital of Bahia State, Brazil. So, you are kindly invited to participate in the XIV International Palynological Congress – X International Organisation of Palaeobotany Conference, 23-28 Oct 2016.

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