RCPol training course: Palinology, Palinoecology, Paleopalinology and Data Organization – September 25th to 27th in Marechal Cândido Rondon-PR

RCPol training course: Palinology, Palinoecology, Paleopalinology and Data Organization – September 25th to 27th in Marechal Cândido Rondon-PR

Methods for studies on Palinoecology, interaction with pollinators and data organization for insertion in RCPol

  • Project presentation and introduction about what is RCPol.
  • Method of area study: floristic composition; attractive floral morphology features for pollinators; vertical stratification; phenology and spatiotemporal distribution of floral resources.
  • Methods for preparation of exsicates (Herbarium).
  • Protocol of acetolysis and assembly of plates.
  • Methods for the organization of the Pollen Collection.
  • Methods for analysis of pollen grains description, trophic niche, quantitative and qualitative analysis of pollinic material and plant-pollinator interaction.
  • What types of data are required for insertion into RCPol database.
  • Organization of data in Excel spreadsheets.
  • Completeness of data and data quality.
  • Interactive Keys System Functionalities for Species Identification.
  • What to do to be a collaborator of RCPol.

Venue: Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná – UNIOESTE – Campus de Marechal Cândido Rondon: Rua Pernambuco, 1777 – Centro – CEP: 85960-000, Fone: 45 3284 7901 – Centro de Ciências Agrárias. Laboratório de Análises de Alimentos

Completed vacancies. Closed registrations.
