RCPol training course: Palinology, Palinoecology and Data Organization from February 25th to March 1st in Sorocaba-SP

RCPol training course: Palinology, Palinoecology and Data Organization from February 25th to March 1st in Sorocaba-SP

Between February 25th and March 1st took place in the city of Sorocaba-SP, Brazil, the Training Course of RCPol: Palinology, Palinoecology and Data Organization.

The course was organized by RCPol in partnership with Profa. Dr. Elaine C. M. Silva Zacarin, Profa. Dr. Fiorella F. Mazine Capelo and UFSCar – Campus Sorocaba, who provided us with the necessary structure to execute and to receive the participants.

The objectives of the course were to enable students, teachers and researchers to use our methodology to work with pollen grains during acetolysis, to use the RCPol databases, as well as the tools available on our website and to contribute to the dialogue on Beekeeping and Meliponicultura.

Topics related to Palinoecology, interaction with pollinators and data organization for insertion in RCPol database were discussed.

Below you can read Dr. Elaine’s words on the course:

The RCPol training course was extremely important for the research being carried out at the Federal University of São Carlos, Sorocaba Campus, on the bee-plant relationship. In addition to the undergraduate students in Biological Sciences and Forestry Engineering, we also count on the participation of graduate students from UFSCar, as well as students and teachers from other Higher Education Institutions. The exchange of experience among the participants, as well as the knowledge acquired in the training course will leverage Scientific Initiation, Masters and Doctorate researches on this subject. After the course, we are already mobilizing to continue the elaboration of the UFSCar Reference Library and the future pollen catalog of the Sorocaba Campus. We are very grateful to Dr. Claudia Inês da Silva and all her staff for the invaluable scientific contribution she has provided through this course.

Dr. Elaine C. M. Silva Zacarin
NuPECA (Research Center on Ecotoxicology and Bee Conservation), DBio, CCHB, UFSCar-Sorocaba.