RCPol Training Course: Palynology, Palinoecology, Paleopalinology and Data Organization in Marechal Cândido Rondon-PR

RCPol Training Course: Palynology, Palinoecology, Paleopalinology and Data Organization in Marechal Cândido Rondon-PR

Between September 25th and 27th, in the city of Marechal Cândido Rondon-PR, took place the third RCPol Training Course: Palinology, Palinoecology, Paleopalinology and Data Organization.

The course was organized by RCPol in partnership with Prof. Dr. Regina C. Garcia with UNIOESTE – Campus de Marechal, who provided us with the necessary structure to minister and to receive all the participants.

The objectives of the course were to enable students, teachers and researchers to use our methodology to work with pollen grains, to use the RCPol databases, as well as the tools available on our site.

We dealt with themes related to methods for studies on Palinoecology, interaction with pollinators and organization of data for insertion in RCPol database divided into:

  • Methods of area study: floristic composition, floral morphology of attractive resources to pollinators, vertical stratification of plants, phenology and spatiotemporal distribution of resources.
  • Methods for preparation of exsicates (Herbarium).
  • Protocol for acetolysis and assembly of plates.
  • Methods for the organization of the Pollen Collection.
  • Methods for analysis of pollen grains description, trophic niche, quantitative and qualitative analysis of pollinic material and plant-pollinator interaction.
  • What types of data are required for insertion into RCPol database.
  • Data organization methods in Google Docs spreadsheets.
  • What is data completeness and data quality.
  • How is the functionality of Interactive Keys systems for species identification?

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