RCPol’s training course in Bolivia

RCPol’s training course in Bolivia

From May 23rd to 27th in La Paz, Bolivia, the Workshop about RCPol and its applications in palynological studies were held. The researcher of the National Herbarium of Bolivia, Teresa Ortuño, received Dr. Cláudia Inês da Silva, coordinator of RCPol and the researcher Elisa Pereira Queiroz to teach the training course on protocols for collecting, processing and inserting plant, pollen and pollinators data in RCPol database.

The course was attended by students and researchers from the following institutions: Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, Center for Research in Biodiversity and the Environment (CIBIOMA) – Beni, Institute of Scientific Technical Investigation of the Police University, Bolivian Collection of Fauna, Miguel Lillo Foundation – Tucumán (Argentina), National Herbarium of Bolivia, Autonomous University Gabriel Rene Moreno, National Museum of Natural History and College of architects. During the course the researchers articulated the Pollen Catalogs of Bolivia network, which will use the protocols of RCPol for the insertion of the information of plants, pollen and pollinators of the most diverse biomes of Bolivia.

RCPol has grown with the new collaborators who are already structuring projects in partnership to broaden and disseminate information of their researches. According to Dr. Claudia, this meeting made the network of researchers more cohesive, making RCPol an example for other groups of researchers who wish to interact and integrate knowledge to make it more accessible in this digital era. “When we work together our objectives are summed up and the speed in obtaining the results amplifies considerably. RCPol is a proof of this, because the researchers that are part of this network are willing to collaborate to disseminate science in a multidisciplinary and interactive way”.

To know more about RCPol’s training course, contact us by e-mail rcpol2013@gmail.com