Palynology Laboratory

Universidade Luterana do Brasil

Laboratório de Palinologia of Universidade Luterana do Brasil, Campus Canoas, is located at the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. Founded in 1997, the lab is an important research center in present and fossil polynic biodiversity. Over time, the lab build an internationally recognized Pollen Collection and has been developing important studies to the knowledge of paleovegetation, vegetation dynamics, paleoclimate and migratory routes. In addition, the lab develop studies in palynological taxonomy, aeropalynology and melissopalynology.

In the last 16 years, two important Pollen Collections were built: a reference collection (Palinoteca Atual), composed of 1.379 species and 6.875 slides; and the collection of slides from research projects (Palinoteca), composed of 6.112 slides. Lately the whole collection gathers 12.987 slides.

Address: Rua Farroupilha, n. 8001, Prédio 29, Sala 206 - São José, Canoas - RS

Phone: +55 (51) 3477-4000 Ramal 2654


Research Subjects:



Soraia Girardi Bauermann Link para Currículo Lattes

Andreia Cardoso Pacheco Evaldt Link para Currículo Lattes