Laboratory of Ecotoxicology and Conservation of Bees (LECA)

UNESP - Rio Claro

The Laboratory of Ecotoxicology and Conservation of Bees (LECA) created in 2008 by Professor Osmar Malaspina, is located in the Center for Studies of Social Insects belonging to the Institute of Biosciences of Unesp of Rio Claro, and is registered in the National Directory of Research Groups – CNPq. The research lines of the laboratory are developed by undergraduate and graduate students and focus on the evaluation of insecticides in bees, using cellular and molecular biology techniques, aiming at the conservation and health of these pollinators. In addition to the development of research on insect-plant interaction in natural and agrarian systems, through palynological analysis and behavior.

Address: Av. 24 A, nº 1515 - Bela Vista, Rio Claro - SP

Phone: +55 19 3526-4160


Research Subjects:



Osmar Malaspina Link para Currículo Lattes

Roberta Cornélio Ferreira Nocelli Link para Currículo Lattes