Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM)
The Laboratory of Integrated Pest Management (LabMIP) develops research in the areas of taxonomy, bioecology and pest sampling, as a basis for the integration of tactics and management strategies, aiming at rationalizing the use of pesticides and reduce the environmental impact of agricultural activity. The work proposal of the LabMIP is to integrate researchers from other research institutions in Brazil and abroad, as well as foster the participation of undergraduate and graduate students with these institutions and their professionals, aiming to produce science with quality. LabMIP has scientific interactions with other research groups in Brazil, such as: EMBRAPA-CPACT (Dr. Dori E. Nava – biological control), EMBRAPA-Soja (Dr. Samuel Roggia – pest management), UNESP (Dr. Ricardo Polanczyk – microbial control) and MT Foundation (Dr. Lucia Vivan – pest management). On the outside LabMIP interacts with: Univ. Nacional de La Plata (Dr. Analia Lanteri).
Address: Avenida Roraima, 100. Cidade Universitária, Santa Maria-RS, CEP: 97105-900
Phone: +55 55 3220 8701
Website: http://dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/6872974758564880
Research Subjects:
- Molecular biology;
- Integrated Pest Management;
- Taxonomy and Bioecology of Arthropods;
- Technology for the application of agrochemicals;
- Pollinators.
Jonas André Arnemann
Adriano Arrué Melo
Dori Edson Nava
Ervandil Corrêa Costa
Lúcia Madalena Vivan
Mariana Alejandra Cherman