Research Group “Plant Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainability” (CBVS)

Universidade Federal do Sul da Bahia

The Research Group on Plant Biodiversity and Sustainability (CBVS) works on the concept of Biodiversity following the definition of the term presented in the CBD (Convention about Biological Diversity), in Legislative Decree no. 2, of 06/06/1992, ie including species diversity, between species and within species (genetic diversity), as well as the diversity of ecosystems and ecological processes in which species interact. The CBVS also recognizes that Biodiversity is not static, represented by its components, but, rather, dynamic in its ecological and evolutionary processes of permanent generation of change. Thus, the process element of Biodiversity inherent to its biological attributes is also present in the understanding of the meaning of Biodiversity. In addition to the biological understanding, the CBVS understands that Biodiversity is also a cultural and social construction.

Address: UFSB, IHAC Sosígenes Costa, Rod. Porto Seguro - Eunápolis BR 367, Km 10 Porto Seguro, BA 45810-000



Research Subjects:

1. Biodiversity, Science and Society
2. Biodiversity and Knowledge Dialogue
3. Conservation, Management and Monitoring of Biodiversity
4. Geoprocessing and Systems Modeling
5. Evolutionary Thinking and Sustainability
6. Sustainable Use of Biological Heritage

Among the themes that directly relates to RCPol, CBVS acts in:
- Pollination and Reproductive Biology
- Structural and Applied Botany
- Bees Genetics
- Palynology
- Taxonomy and Systematics of Phanerogams


Cristiana Barros Nascimento Costa Link para Currículo Lattes

Jaílson Santos de Novais Link para Currículo Lattes

Jorge Antonio Silva Costa Link para Currículo Lattes

Olívia Maria Pereira Duarte Link para Currículo Lattes